
study in India:

                      Study in India: India is among of the nation that offer different degree courses/program. Now the window for admission is open. According to the time table from 1 st December 2020 we will starts taking admission for next academic session and class will starts on 1 st June 2021 for more information visit this links: Ø Ø For admission process and other academic facilities you can check me on my: Ø Ø Whats App number:+255766982877.        knowledge come for those who find it.                        by                                  james chami

my eyes:

                                            Kazi ya macho:   S iku moja katika kutafakari nikajiuliza kwanini mungu ameumba viumbe mabalimbali vinapendeza na kuvutia vimeijaza nchi vikishangilia ukuu na utukufu wa mungu ,vikiruka ruka kwa furahaaa nikakundua kuwa mungu ni watofauti sana kuliko viumbe vingine vyote duniani na mbinguni.mungu alivyo waajabu akawapa viumbe hivyo viungo tofauti tofauti kwaajili ya kuwasaidia viumbe ivyo kuish na kumudu mazingira vizuri kwa mfano mungu aamevipa viumbe vyote uwezo wakusikia sauti mbalimabali kutoka kwenye mazingira aliyoko kiumbe icho.wanasanyasi wanasema kila kiumbe kilicho duniani kina uwezo wakuwasiliana na mwenzie kupita lugha. “language of the world”. pia nivugumu mno kwakiumbe kingine kuweza kusikia lugha ya kiumbe kingine na hii ina tokana na kitu kinachoitwa “the soul of the world”. ichindo kitu ambacho ukiwa nacho unaweza kujua “the language of the world” yani kujua lugha ya viumbe mbalimbali kwenye uso wa duni

jab we met:

Jab we met: The day when we met, our soul comes together, It like magnetic pull us together, What kind of force tight us together? Am prisoner to you!   Not because of you are beauties, It is Just the way you are, I can’t say am blind, not! Am you are prisoner.   I can’t say, I don’t see defect on you, But I consider them beauty, It like I pick up mango in a coconuts tree, Am you are prisoner.                     By                         chami        

you fail

  You fail: We just wait until sun rise, But steal not yet, You shut up our words You fail, you fail.   You promise us cake, We didn’t see even fake You sent us in darkness, Instead of bring brightness. Where is you are promises?   My mediocre not to be healed,  My silence is not foolproof, Grown I don't see what you do, I see, I see and hear also .                                                                                                       By                                                   cyril

Nice & strong .it is very beautiful,strong , nice for hold private computer and other small documents especially when you traveling to different place.
 BY        CYRILY. THE GREAT KINGDOM: T he Zulu tribe is the one of the most widely tribe in Africa mainly because of the very vital parts that it played in the continents history. Historically the Zulu tribe originate from the Nguni who inhabited the central and east Africa and subsequently migrate to the southern Africa this process of move from one place to another is called “Bantu migration” which takes place centuries ago. The Zulu tribe represents the largest population of the ethnic group in the South Africa making up to 10-11 million of people. Zulu tribe is very famous in the history of Africa and the world just because of the fighting skills. WHO IS SHAKA ZULU? Shaka kasenzangakhon also known as “Shaka Zulu” was the king of the Zulu kingdom from 1816 to 1828. He is the most motivator of the monarchs of the Zulu kingdom who responsible FO re-organizing the Zulu military. Shaka he was born July 1787 in KwaZulu-Natal, South


Tropical region are the areas of the earth surface near the equator and between tropic of cancer in the northern hemisphere and the tropic of Capricorn in the southern hemisphere(23.5N and 23.5S the equtor). this climate characterize by average temperature of 18 centigrade  and annual precipitation is little which tend to fall behind mountain ranges( horse latitude ) that cause rain shadow. examples of areas with tropical climate is some part of Tanzania ,Africa and south America. a world map to show different parts with tropical climate according  to different geographers and scientist they argue that it is impossible to find a ice cover in a tropical climate region due to it is characteristics . but in Tanzania at the top of mount Kilimanjaro there is ice cover  that makes people from different parts of the world to visit mount Kilimanjaro to see how and what make that possible mount Kilimanjaro is the highest volcanic mount in Africa rise above the sea level about 5895 meters.This m


 By   cyril chami   The amazing  People of Kilimanjaro . If you look at Kilimanjaro’s history, one culture stands out as being intimately tied to the mountain: the Chagga. But the Chagga didn’t live around the foothills of Kili in isolation, and in fact, for several centuries, they weren’t a unified culture at all. Much like their neighbors (and longtime adversaries) the Maasai, the Chagga peoples were divided into multiple clans, which were then further divided into  mitaa , or petty chiefdoms. Today, these clans have consciously come together to form the modern Chagga culture. But as recently as the turn of the 20th century, they were at war with not only their neighbors, but with one another. Each clan had a distinctive territory along the southern and eastern slopes of the mountain. Natural boundaries—including ridges, rocky outcroppings, and ravines—usually defined the borders between one clan’s land and another’s.    Today we think of the Chagga as one people, but formerly, 15 s