


he Zulu tribe is the one of the most widely tribe in Africa mainly because of the very vital parts that it played in the continents history. Historically the Zulu tribe originate from the Nguni who inhabited the central and east Africa and subsequently migrate to the southern Africa this process of move from one place to another is called “Bantu migration” which takes place centuries ago. The Zulu tribe represents the largest population of the ethnic group in the South Africa making up to 10-11 million of people. Zulu tribe is very famous in the history of Africa and the world just because of the fighting skills.


Shaka kasenzangakhon also known as “Shaka Zulu” was the king of the Zulu kingdom from 1816 to 1828. He is the most motivator of the monarchs of the Zulu kingdom who responsible FO re-organizing the Zulu military. Shaka he was born July 1787 in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. He mother name is “NANDI” and he father name is “Senzangakhona kajama”.shaka was assassinated on September 22, 1828 in kwaduka, South Africa by he is brother. “Don’t trust anybody, trust you self because people surrounding you they find out you weakness aim to let you down or to block you success.”


The Zulu tribe speaks their language which is known as “isiZulu” which is very popular in South Africa because is widely spoken and contain various words which is very easy to catch up and understanding it. For example there words used while addressing elderly person is normally frowned up on by the tribe and instead they use terms such as “Baba for father” and “Mama for mother”.


The Zulu tribe has strongly believed in ancestral sprits known as “amadlozi” or “abaphansi”.they is simply spirit of dead. Also they believe in existence of higher being who they refer to as UMveliqangi which meaning “one who comes first”. This highest being is believed to be far removed from the people’s lives and that no one has ever set eyes on him. They believe that there is some mediation between the spirits of the dead and “the one who come first”.for the people alive on the earth.

They are known for being “Humane” which means practice and belief in “Ubuntu “or “good disposition” which is among of their daily life ,also they believe  human being are the most superior of all spices hence the strong belief in Ubuntu. This sprit originated from they are further who cemented this believe by having many motivation.




Zulu people they celebrate Zulu day on each September every year to remember they are great and famous founder of the Zulu kingdom “shaka”.this day Zulu people they wear their full tradition attire which include the weapons and have a gathering at KwaDukaza in Stanger ,where Shaka’s tombstone is. Celebration also marked by the poets singing the praises of all the Zulu kings starting with Shaka down to the current king.


They believe in ancestral sprits which are the most important in Zulu religion. Offerings and sacrifice are made by ancestors for the protection, good health, and happiness. Ancestral sprits come back to the world through dreams, illnesses and sometimes snakes. Zulu people they believe in the use of magic any happen which is beyond they are power such as ad luck illness , is consider to be sent by angry spirit. When this happen elders take the action to communicate with the ancestors for the solution, use natural herbs or prayers to get rid of the problems. But after colonialism may Zulu converted to Christianity makes them to forget cultural practice.




The term family in Zulu is “umndeni” which include all people staying in a homestead who are related to each other, either by blood, marriage, or adopting, most of the Zulu family comprise extended family. A man in Zulu family is the head of the family and the figure of the authority. A young men can have more than one wife as they wish if they can affordable for now days due to spread of education this system die. Also today clothing style of the Zulu people is not different from that of the modern urbanite. Zulu economy depends on cattle and agriculture .consequently the main stake diet consists of cow and agriculture products. This includes barbecued and boiled meats: amasi (curdled milk), mixed with dry, ground corn, corn. This is tradition way of dance.


Haskins, J., et al.From Afar to Zulu.New York: Walker and Company, 1995.

Khuzwayo, W. "Kinship Substitutions." Paper presented at the PAAA Conference in Cameroon, West Africa, 1994.

Macnamara, M.World Views.Pretoria: J. L. van Schaik Pty, 1980.

West, M.Abantu.Cape Town: C. Struik Publishers, 1976.


D. W. Web Design. Zulu Anthropology. [Online] Available, 1998.

Embassy of South Africa, Washington, D.C. [Online] Available, 1998.

Government of South Africa. [Online], 1998.

Interknowledge Corp. South Africa. [Online] Available, 1998.

Southern African Development Community. South Africa. [Online] Available, 1998.

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