
Showing posts from December 11, 2020

why miss this?

Tanzania is located in east Africa comprises of Bantu speaking people with different people who speak Swahili as the native language like chaga, pare sukuma and Maasai. Tanzania people are more hospitality, kindness with soft heart.  Tanzania has various tourist attractions: Ø   Volcanic Mountain in Tanzania. There is Mount Kilimanjaro and mount meru which are volcanic in nature. Both of them are covered bay ice at the top this is among of the wonderful of the world how can ice cover in tropical area also there is a lot of wonders in this mount. Mount Kilimanjaro   a   dormant   volcano   in   Tanzania . It has three   volcanic cones : Kibo, Mawenzi and Shira. It is the highest   mountain in Africa   and the highest single free-standing mountain in the world: 5,895 metres (19,341 ft) above sea level and about 4,900 metres (16,1 ft) above its plateau base. Kilimanjaro is the fourth most topographically prominent peak on Earth. The first people known to have reached the summit were H